

Monday, July 25, 2005


Have a debate/argument with my someone. I know i am not perfect, but i know what i am doing. Just wanted them to know whats my feeliings and all. I know i do disappointed them, but sometimes you just dont have the strenght to do it better. Maybe it is time for a change. Or i am just giving myself some excuses for not doing better, or plain laziness? Well, i know myself, the last one consists most of the reason.

Arg, felt so helpless and hopeless, can't help. Stop procastinating would be a good idea, do it straight away and darn, you are analysing wayyyyy to much on everything. Is a fuck up day. Really !! so fucking hate it.

Worst still, can you imagine disapointing yourself? Man, work on it so much but the outcome is not what you want, is it because of the stupidity? No, i am kinda smart, but why it happens, only myself know.

Anyway, there are always chnaces, it depends on, how are you going to work on it. I dont want to make things wrong and start missing a gal, its just the same like what we are facing.

A gal asked me, " is it because of your study habit that need a chnage"? Because i promised myself to do the things that i wanted to do right away and stop analyzing, so i straight away chnage my study habit. It do have a good start, so i hope i will continue to do so.

I am not holding back this time, i am on the run. Wish me godspeed.

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