Have a few sms with dad, he said that i am not productive which i totally agreed. He asked what if i failed "IF" one of that particular subject, hows it gonna be? My exact reply was
"Nevermind la, treat it as a vacation for you and your darling and grandma "
(A Cassowary)
Been trying to get back on to my workkaholic schedule making money like last year's end of semester holiday (spent them all when special someone came over last year :/). Not going too smooth because friends moved out or went back home. Darn!! Spending money but not making money, how sad...(No money).

Been drinking so much recently. Beer, Bourbon, Rum, Scotch, Absinth, Tequila... OMG!! I am killing my liver cells everyday. But i enjoyed it so far as i wouldnt have much time for these after i got my arse back to Malaysia eh....??? Anyone want to drink with me?

Been watching a lot of series recently, Supernatural, House, Prison Break, 24, Grey's, Jap's Drama, all soft of stuff just to filled my time. OOI mate, i am still looking for a part time job, whoever wants to hire me, please do so.

(Prison Break)
Not feeling to good hey after the departured of some really close friends. A bit of missing them, spending some good time together doing shit, crazy stuff are what i am missing. This remind me of soemthing, its not childish but enjoying life depends on how you look at it, someone said its childish because we threw eggs on cars and on BK buildings, but it think its fun and better than sitting at home when with mates. Of course, i feel bad and guilty when my egg actually hit on the truck...
CS, besides eating, sleep, poo-ing, watching series and movies, playing this old school game is one of my passing time now. Trying to kill each other in the game and make fun of them... How nice?

Been really addicted to fishing recently after Josh brought us to the Port of Brisbane (place that i worked aswell).Caught some Bream there hey, just feel like going back there again to fish. Missing it and so keen on the next trip.
Ha, i feel like i am trying to update all the things at once in this post. Well, just feel like typing a lot of stuff now. So freaking boring. Its getting so bright at just 4.15 AM here in Brisssy.....
Been getting a lot of different genre songs from Stef, Jo and John and to tell you the truth, some are really nice, but some.. OMG, just to mentioned some songs' name. Hokkien songs and some old scool CNY songs we up as well. Freaking me off but its fun when some whites walks into my room an play it for them.
I browsed through a lot of potential employer websites on these few days hey. JTi, Maersk, PMI, BAT and more... wondering if i could gt my arse in there. But what is happening to them, all the jobs required experiences man. Does the employers expect all the people that work have 'sufficient' experience on everything? How subjecive man?
I am going down to Lismore if everything went right on next week. Particularly on one of my subject... Strategic Marketing Management. Kerri Khun this lecturer is making my life miserable. I could not enjoy to the max after the exam at all untill now... She is a good lecturer and pretty, was ONCE my motivation to go for her classes. But... these feelings were long gone man. They call it FADED.
Oh, was feeling so freaking lost and bad on the day, was so lucky to bump into 2 good mates from Japan. Have a really good chat with both of them and talked about many stuffs and got a lot of updates. Good luck for working in Tokyo with Maersk and good luck with getting into ... . just Ryo, if you happened to read this, do not forget the stuffs that said you are going to post to me.
(sorry mate posting up that pic, but you got what you deserved but still thanks for the chat hey)
Last but not least : All the best to my mates who are waiting for the results to be released
aiya, like you meh, in malaysia, go home so fast.
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