

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Best Solution?

This thing was going in my head while i am on bed, just couldnt sleep because i have had a coffee before that. Thought caffien will never be a problem to me? Well, i guess is because my biological time is a little bit off, no other reason.

Well back to concern, what is the best solution for a problem? To use your own way? To adopt someoneleses method? or simply ignore the problem like it never happens?

I guess the best solution for everything is the flexibility. Plus the intellectual that is naturally born with you by presenting it in your own way. I've realised that i seldom speak up my mind when i am getting older everyday nowadays when dealing with friends although i dont really like their suggestions, sometimes the things they do, or even the way they act. Its so not me if compare to the old Jia. Getting pretty laid back ever since after although i dont really know what is the reason for these causes.

So i guess is to stand up and act like myself again like the old Jia. Soemtimes its not too bad to uppper up the level by using back some old methods as long it helps you up heh? I guess i just need some attitude to normalise(yeah thats the word!!!) myself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

there is no perfect solution for a problem as whatever the solution is ... it cannot satisfied everybody. so ... one can only go for the best outcome one can think of at that time (by consulting someone wise; thinking/talk about it with an open mind ...etc)... then after the event, review it, learn the lesson and detach the emotion ... and keep improving is all we can do ... :) happy problem solving ... it comes with the 'package of life'